highways & access
Vehicular access would be provided via an an existing gateway within the northern part of the site.
The access would utilise an existing field opening which would have to be widened slightly. Guests will follow Sat Nav which will bring them to Loyton via the Hukeley Cross route and not via Morebath.
The access would be connected via a farm track to a 24-space car parking area. As part of this area, three electric charging stations and one disabled parking space would be provided.
A Transport Statement and Travel Plan (TSTP) relating to the proposals has been prepared by an independent local consultancy, Bellamy Transport.
The Statement considers existing conditions in the area of the scheme including the nature of the local highway network and accessibility by non-car modes of transport. It also reviews the transport related features of the proposals and likely impacts in relation to traffic generation for the different phases of the work.
Section 5 of the TSTP sets out the forecast levels of traffic generation for both phases of the scheme. This has been assessed using the TRICS database for holiday accommodation.
For the detailed part of the application, paragraph 5.3.2 notes that in the worst case scenario, the scheme would generate no more than one movement in the morning peak and three movements in the afternoon peak. The busiest time for the holiday accommodation is expected to be between 11am and 12 noon, with only three movements forecast at this time.
Section 8 of the TSTP summarise the transport issues arising from the scheme and the conclusions on likely impacts. The key paragraphs are 8.2.8 and 8.2.9 which state:
“To summarise, in light of the assessment work and analysis within this report, it is considered that the traffic generated by the proposed development would not have a detrimental impact upon the safe operation of the local highway network and in terms of accessibility, the application site is situated in a location that could allow visitors to travel by sustainable modes of transport.
“Consequently, there are no significant transportation, highway safety, access or parking reasons that should prevent the local planning authority from approving this planning application.”